Using the HubSpot Address Manager Micro App

The Address Manager Micro App adds custom properties to HubSpot objects, including physical, billing, and postal addresses, for flexible management.

Address Manager HubSpot Properties

When you install the Address Manager Micro App this will add a number of Custom Properties against your Contact and Company Objects.

These are added under an Integration Glue Addresses Group.

The following Custom Properties are added per Object:

  • Physical Address: Name
  • Physical Address: Phone Number
  • Physical Address: Street Address
  • Physical Address: Street address 2
  • Physical Address: Postal code
  • Physical Address: State/Region
  • Physical Address: Country
  • Physical Address: Lat
  • Physical Address: Long
  • Billing  Address: Name
  • Billing  Address: Phone Number
  • Billing  Address: Street Address
  • Billing  Address: Street address 2
  • Billing  Address: Postal code
  • Billing  Address: State/Region
  • Billing  Address: Country
  • Billing  Address: Lat
  • Billing  Address: Long
  • Postal Address: Name
  • Postal Address: Phone Number
  • Postal Address: Street Address
  • Postal Address: Street address 2
  • Postal Address: Postal code
  • Postal Address: State/Region
  • Postal Address: Country
  • Postal Address: Lat
  • Postal Address: Long


Q: Why doesn't the Address Manager use standard HubSpot address properties? 

A: We add Custom Properties rather than using existing address properties as:

  • There are additional properties that we use that do not exist against HubSpot Objects
  • Often standard HubSpot properties are used for other standard integrations or processes, we don't want to mess with these and want to provide you with flexibility in the management of your properties

If you want to use the Google Address Manager Property data in your existing Address Properties then we recommend that you use Workflows to set the standard properties whenever any of the above Properties are 'Known'.

If you just want to use the Glue Properties directly, just set these as your primary properties in views, reports, etc.