HubSpot SharePoint Integration Overview

Overview of HubSpot SharePoint Integration: Streamlines CRM document management, reduces admin tasks, ensures file upload accuracy, and improves access to relevant documents.

The Integration Glue: HubSpot and SharePoint integration revolutionizes document management within your CRM, substantially minimizing administrative tasks and enhancing consistency in file and folder management. This synergy ensures accurate file upload locations and grants immediate access to relevant documents tied to CRM records. By fostering automation in folder creation, link addition, file uploads, and document generation within a cohesive ecosystem, the integration enables businesses to streamline their document management processes. This results in heightened efficiency reduced manual errors, and bolstered team collaboration, empowering organizations to focus on core business objectives.


Reducing Administrative Tasks

With this integration, you can automate file and folder creation within SharePoint from HubSpot Workflows dramatically cutting down on manual administrative work. By automating these processes, businesses can save time and reduce the potential for human error, allowing staff to focus on more strategic activities.

Default Naming Consistency

This integration enforces consistent naming conventions and structures for files and folders created in SharePoint from HubSpot. Consistent naming and structuring improve organization and retrieval efficiency, making it easier for team members to locate and work with the necessary documents.

Ensuring Correct File Upload Locations

With the direct integration, files uploaded from HubSpot records are automatically placed in the correct SharePoint folders. This feature eliminates the common issue of misfiled documents, ensuring that all information is correctly organized and easy to find.

Accessing Relevant Documents Easily

Linking SharePoint folders to specific HubSpot records means that users have immediate access to all relevant files directly from the CRM. This integration ensures that team members can quickly find the documents they need without leaving the HubSpot environment, streamlining workflow and enhancing productivity.


Creating SharePoint Folders from HubSpot Workflows

The integration enables the automatic creation of SharePoint folders on any HubSpot Standard or Custom object. This can be used to automate the creation of presales folders, project folders, customer folders, etc, so every new customer, deal, project or more can have a dedicated folder in SharePoint, organized and accessible for all relevant team members.

Linking SharePoint Folders to HubSpot Records

Once a SharePoint folder is created, a link to this folder can be automatically added to the associated HubSpot record. This ensures that users can quickly access related documents and data without navigating away from the HubSpot interface, fostering a more efficient workflow.

Uploading Files Directly to SharePoint from Records

The integration facilitates direct file uploads from HubSpot records to the corresponding SharePoint folder. This capability eliminates the need to switch between platforms, enhancing user productivity and ensuring that all relevant documents are stored in the correct location.

Leveraging DocMergy with SharePoint

Use the Integration Glue DocMergy app with SharePoint to auto-generate documents with HubSpot record and associated record data and automatically store them in the designated SharePoint folder. This feature is particularly useful for creating contracts, proposals, and reports, ensuring that all generated documents are immediately organized, named correctly and accessible within SharePoint.

Learn more about DocMergy

SharePoint Setup

HubSpot SharePoint Integration Setup Process