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Commonly used words and acronyms within Integration Glue & HubSpot

Term Definition

A co-signer is someone who signs a document alongside another person, agreeing to share responsibility for fulfilling the obligations outlined in the document. A Co-signer token can be applied to DocMergy templates for sending to Docusign.

Credits Integration Glue's credit-based pricing model. Each application is assigned a number of credits per run. This ranges from one credit for simple data cleansing apps to 20+ credits for more complex application processes.
CRM Customer Relationship Management system
Data Sync Integration Glues custom integrations. Data Sync provides a framework for the rapid design and development of any bespoke integration. 

DocMergy is a document generation platform that automates the creation of customized documents, contracts, spreadsheets and presentations straight from HubSpot workflows.


Docusign is an electronic signature and agreement management platform that allows users to securely sign, send, and manage documents digitally, facilitating efficient and legally binding transactions and workflows in various industries.

Enrolled Record Refers to the record enrolled in the workflow

A Docusign Envelope is essentially a digital container that holds all the documents to be signed and any associated information, such as recipient details, signature fields, and authentication methods. It acts as a secure package that travels through the signing process, allowing recipients to electronically sign documents, and providing a record of the signing event once completed.


HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing, sales, and customer service platform that offers a suite of tools and features for managing customer interactions, generating leads, automating processes, and analyzing data to help businesses grow and manage their relationships effectively.

HubSpot Marketplace

The HubSpot Marketplace is a platform where users can find and install apps, integrations, templates, and services to extend the functionality of their HubSpot account. Integration Glue Micro Apps are available in the HubSpot Marketplace.


The connection between two software systems, allowing data to flow seamlessly between the two platforms. This enables businesses to streamline workflows, automate processes, and gain deeper insights across their tech stack.

Line Item

In HubSpot, line items represent individual products or services that can be added to deals, quotes, or orders within the CRM system for streamlined sales tracking and management.

Merge Function

A Merge Function combines data from two objects based on associations.

get_associated_objects(from_object_type, from_object_id, to_object_type, order_by) 
Merge Tag

A Merge Tag is a placeholder used in documents or templates to dynamically insert personalized information from HubSpot. E.g:

Micro App A Micro-app is a super-specialized application designed to perform one task or use case. These can be easily installed through the HubSpot Marketplace or by Integration Glue

An object refers to a data structure representing entities like contacts, companies, deals, tickets or custom objects.

Each object has individual records that can be associated with records of other objects (e.g., Lorelai Gilmore is a contact associated with the company The Dragonfly Inn).


A specific data field within an object. E.g: Within the Contact Object you can find properties such as First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone Number.


A record refers to an individual instance or entry within an object, containing specific information related to contacts, companies, deals, tickets or custom objects.


A signatory is a person or entity who signs a document, agreement, or contract, indicating their acceptance, approval, or agreement with its contents and terms. They are legally bound by the document once they have signed it. A Signatory token can be applied to DocMergy templates for sending to Docusign.

Target Use to talk about the Record that is not the enrolled one. For example associations
Universal Unique Identifier (E.g: HubSpot Record IDs)

An automated sequence of actions triggered by predefined criteria, designed to streamline and manage various marketing, sales, and service processes within HubSpot.