Create & Upload a Document to Send to Docusign

Instructions for preparing and uploading a document in HubSpot for signature via Docusign, including how to add DocuSign tokens to the file and manage the signing process.

Configure Your File

  1. Open your Document/Spreadsheet in Word/Excel
  2. Add the relevant Docusign Tokens:
    • **signature_1**
    • **signature_2**
    • **signature_3**
    • **signature_4**
    • **countersigner_1**
    • **countersigner_2**
    • **carboncopy_1**
    • **carboncopy_2**
  3. Ensure you have enough space and colour the text token the same colour as the text background
  4. Save the file

Upload Your File

If you are not using DocMergy you will need to upload your file.

  1. In the right hand column of the record under the Attachments panel
  2. Select the Upload new option from the Add dropdown/link
  3. In the right hand column of the record under the Docusign panel
  4. Click the Select document to send for eSign
  5. Select the attached Document or PDF to send
  6. Click the Select document button
  7. The selected document will be displayed in the right hand column Docusign panel

Send Your File

  1. Complete details for Signatories, Co-signs and CC Recipients - Signatory 1 Email and Name needs to be filled, all others are optional
  2. Click and select the Send for eSign property
  3. This will send the file to Docusign and update the Envelope details against the record

As the document is signed, status details will be updated against the record.

Once the document is fully signed, a signed PDF version of the document will be automatically uploaded to the HubSpot file system and a link to the document added to the record.