- Help Center
- HubSpot Micro Apps
- Workflow AI (ChatGPT) Actions
HubSpot Micro Apps
- Workflow Association Actions
- Workflow Calculation Actions
- Workflow Clone, Merge & Delete Actions
- Workflow Data Format Actions
- Workflow Data Splitter Actions
- Workflow Enrichment Actions
- Workflow Event Actions
- Workflow Access Actions
- Workflow Generate Code Actions
- Property Option Manager
- Workflow URL Shortener Actions
- HubSpot Mailgun Integration
- Address Manager
- Workflow Media Manager Actions
- Workflow AI (ChatGPT) Actions
- Workflow AI Gemini Actions
Docusign HubSpot Integration
Macro Apps
Glossary & Standard Terms
What Model Version of ChatGPT Does The Application use?
The current ChatGPT models that are available to use with the application are:
- GPT-4o
- GPT-4o mini
Additionally, we are actively working to support fine-tuned models, enabling you to customize and optimize the model for your specific requirements.
Contact us if you have any special requirements.